Department for the History of Geology
Our History
- 1949-1991 – The group of historians of geology has been working in the Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Vladimir Vladimirovich Tikhomirov (1915-1994). He made the history of geology widely recognized. The International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences (INHIGEO) was founded in the year 1967, and Tikhomirov was elected its first President.
- 1991-2015 – The Department for the History of Geology was affiliated with the Vernadsky State Geological Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences.
- May 2015 – the Department for the History of Geology has returned to the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

V. Tikhomirov (1915-1994)

International Union of Geological Sciences V. Tikhomirov History of Geology Award (est. 2012)
The Commemoration of Vladimir V. Tikhomirov (1915-1994).
Scientific funds
- Over 5 000 books on history and methodology of geosciences
- About 500 000 bibliographical items
- Over 8 000 personal files (documents, correspondence, memoirs)
- About 10 000 portraits of geologists (photos and pictures)
Information about individual items is available on request. Internet-resources - see “Projects”.
- Malakhova I.G., Bessudnova Z.A., Khomizuri G.P., Minina E.L. Foreign Members of the Russian Academy of Science. XVIII-XXI: Geology & Mining / Ed. I.G. Malakhova. Moscow: Nauka, 2012. 641 p.
Digital book: - The Digital Library Russian Scientific Heritage (the Project of the Russian Academy of Sciences) (in Russian). There are few hundred geological publications now in Russian, German or French. The Digital Library Russian Scientific Heritage:
- The Information System History of Geology and Mining is the project of the Department for the History of Geology. It is the continuously filling up with information on geoscientists (articles, bibliography, documents, and pictures). The System has English interface and advanced search. Information about 600 geoscientists is available on
Selected publications
- Natalia Bryanchaninova -
- Ivan Vtorov -
- Irena Malakhova -
- Olga Martirosyan -
Pyzhevsky per. 7, Moscow 119017, Russia.
Phone: +7 (495) 951-3049
Head of the Department
Ivan P. Vtorov, PhD.
Research fellows
Irena G. Malakhova, PhD.
Natalia I. Bryanchaninova, Dr. Sc.
Olga V. Martirosyan, Dr. Sc.